0800 020 9653


Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:00

Celebrate Diversity and Unity at Dumfries and Stranraer Pride 2024!

We are thrilled to announce two vibrant celebrations of love, diversity, and community coming your way!

Dumfries Pride

๐Ÿ“… Date: Saturday, 7th September 2024
๐Ÿ“ Location: High Street, Dumfries
๐Ÿ•’ Time: 10am - 4pm

Stranraer Pride

๐Ÿ“… Date: Saturday, 24th August 2024
๐Ÿ“Location: Castle Square, George Street, Stranraer
๐Ÿ•’ Time: To be announced

Both Dumfries and Stranraer Pride are more than just festivals; they are days for our community to come together to support and celebrate LGBTQ+ identities, culture, and rights. Whether youโ€™re a member of the community or a supportive ally, we invite you to join us for these special events.

Stay tuned as we finalize the exciting lineups of performers, speakers, and activities. Keep an eye on our website and social media channels for updates on whoโ€™s attending and the event timetables.

LGBT+ and Inclusivity Calendar of Events

1 - 28 Feb: LGBT History Month

Celebrating and educating about LGBT+ history.

8 March: International Women's Day

Recognizing and advocating for women's rights globally.

31 March: International Transgender Day of Visibility

Celebrating transgender people and raising awareness of discrimination.

17 May: IDAHOBIT - International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia

Mobilizing against LGBTQ+ discrimination.

24 May: Pansexual and Panromantic Awareness and Visibility Day

Recognizing and celebrating pansexual and panromantic identities.

1-30 Jun: LGBT Pride Month

Celebrating LGBT+ identities, history, and rights.

28 Jun: Stonewall Anniversary

Commemorating the Stonewall Riots, a pivotal event in LGBT+ history.

14 July: International Non-Binary People's Day

Acknowledging and supporting non-binary individuals.

11 Oct: National Coming Out Day

Supporting people coming out as LGBT+.

20-26 Oct: Bi-Sexual Awareness Week

Focusing on bisexual visibility and education.

26 Oct: Intersex Awareness Day

Highlighting intersex people and issues.

24-30 Oct: Asexual Awareness Week

Promoting asexual spectrum visibility and education.

20 Nov: Transgender Day of Remembrance

Memorializing victims of transphobic violence.

1 Dec: World AIDS Day

Raising awareness and commemorating those affected by HIV/AIDS.